About Me


When I was a child I wanted two things. To Write a Novel and to be Wonder Woman and save the world.

Somewhere past 40, I realized the tights were never going to fit, and the only flying I was ever going to do was in a plane.

So instead, I write my Strong and Sassy Heroes/Heroines into the novels I pen…

I build doorways into contemporary worlds filled with magic, that allow all of us to be a hero to our own imaginations.

To me, every character is real. I walk alongside them as they discover that fear is the flip side of courage, that survival may just be a badge of honor, and that our flaws are an opportunity to emerge stronger and discover our own personal brand of superpowers—at any age.

I live in the heart of Michigan with my Fastidious Husband and a Feisty Yorkie named Napoleon. When I’m not penning the adventures in my next book, you can find me kayaking, hiking, and camping with my family and friends.